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  1. N

    I need help!

    Thank you, we used to play together and sometimes we even managed to earn a bit from it, but at some point, everything went wrong. He started playing away from me, spending a lot, and it stopped being fun. Even when he won and I insisted he withdraw the money, sometimes he cancelled withdrawal...
  2. N

    I need help!

    Thank you wonderful people, I tried talking about seeking help for him, told that we'll do this together, but this only made him mad. I guess he left me not much options, but to make it hard way, we really can't live like this anymore (((
  3. N

    I need help!

    Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some. I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it...