I need help!


New member
Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some.
I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. It's ruining our finances and tearing our family apart.
I need help. If anyone has any advice or has been through this, please share. We can't keep living like this.
Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some.
I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. It's ruining our finances and tearing our family apart.
I need help. If anyone has any advice or has been through this, please share. We can't keep living like this.
I feel you. My partner used to be the same way. It took a serious conversation and setting some hard limits to get through to her.
I know it's tough, but you have to set boundaries and stand on yours. It's not easy, but it's necessary.
Hang in there!
Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some.
I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. It's ruining our finances and tearing our family apart.
I need help. If anyone has any advice or has been through this, please share. We can't keep living like this.
Look, if your partner doesn't take you seriously, it's never too late to seek professional help. Sometimes, a third party carries more weight.
I feel you. My partner used to be the same way. It took a serious conversation and setting some hard limits to get through to her.
I know it's tough, but you have to set boundaries and stand on yours. It's not easy, but it's necessary.
Hang in there!
yeah, but you can't force someone to change, still you can control how you respond to the situation
Thank you wonderful people, I tried talking about seeking help for him, told that we'll do this together, but this only made him mad. I guess he left me not much options, but to make it hard way, we really can't live like this anymore (((
Thank you wonderful people, I tried talking about seeking help for him, told that we'll do this together, but this only made him mad. I guess he left me not much options, but to make it hard way, we really can't live like this anymore (((
if you really love him that much and can't leave, here is one more thing you can do - just join him playing and be the one to keep him out of doing stupid things
if you really love him that much and can't leave, here is one more thing you can do - just join him playing and be the one to keep him out of doing stupid things
You know gambling is for cool headed people, if you're the one, then it won't do much harm. imagine it like spending money on fun
Thank you, we used to play together and sometimes we even managed to earn a bit from it, but at some point, everything went wrong. He started playing away from me, spending a lot, and it stopped being fun. Even when he won and I insisted he withdraw the money, sometimes he cancelled withdrawal at the last moment. I'll say this one is a real trap. Why couldn't you withdraw the money right away? What's the point of having this cancel option at all?! These casinos know how to manipulate the minds of gambling addicts and take advantage of it.
Thank you, we used to play together and sometimes we even managed to earn a bit from it, but at some point, everything went wrong. He started playing away from me, spending a lot, and it stopped being fun. Even when he won and I insisted he withdraw the money, sometimes he cancelled withdrawal at the last moment. I'll say this one is a real trap. Why couldn't you withdraw the money right away? What's the point of having this cancel option at all?! These casinos know how to manipulate the minds of gambling addicts and take advantage of it.
so true, I think there might be some way to block it
Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some.
I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. It's ruining our finances and tearing our family apart.
I need help. If anyone has any advice or has been through this, please share. We can't keep living like this.
It's really sad to hear that. People in such situations often forget about themselves and their needs, focusing on their partner's problems, which shouldn't be the case. So besides the advice you've been given here (which is indeed good), please don't forget about yourself 🫶
Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some.
I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. It's ruining our finances and tearing our family apart.
I need help. If anyone has any advice or has been through this, please share. We can't keep living like this.
Hey, first of all, if you share finances, consider setting boundaries to protect your financial well-being. Another one, this doesn't seem like a small problem that's easy to fix, so it's best to seek professional help or maybe a similar support group. Stay strong I'm sure you'll find a way to get over it
Hey there, I need to get something off my chest. My husband's gambling habit is getting out of control. He can't stop himself, even when he's winning. He just keeps going until he's lost everything and then some.
I've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. It's ruining our finances and tearing our family apart.
I need help. If anyone has any advice or has been through this, please share. We can't keep living like this.
Hey. The hard truth is that your words and pleas will likely fall on deaf ears at this point. Addiction has an insidious way of clouding judgment and reason. No amount of talking, demanding, or begging from you will break through the denial he is trapped in right now. As difficult as it is to accept, nagging or lecturing him about his gambling problem will only make him defensive and unlikely to hear you. He has to decide for himself that he wants to overcome this addiction. Until he hits rock bottom and is truly ready to confront the consequences, your words of concern will not penetrate his compulsive thinking. The choice to get help and recover has to come from within him - it cannot be forced by you or anyone else.
Education is crucial. Show your husband the statistics on gambling losses and the importance of responsible gaming. Sometimes, seeing the hard facts can be a wake-up call.
so true, I think there might be some way to block it
Have you tried setting up a "cooling off" period? Some casinos offer this option where withdrawals are held for 24-48 hours before processing. This gives time to reconsider canceling in the heat of the moment.
Remember, communication is key. Sit down with your husband and have an honest conversation about your concerns. Try to understand his perspective while explaining yours. Sometimes, just talking it through can lead to a mutual understanding.