I'm drained from these endless cycles of losing

Alright people, let's not start a financial debate here. 🧐 But yeah, automatic transfers sound smart.
I can't keep chasing this winning streak to the poorhouse. Every time I hit the tables, I think, 'This is my chance to turn things around,' but it always ends the same way - I blow my entire bankroll chasing losses like a fool. I'm tired of playing so conservatively. I've worked hard for my money only to squander it at the casino every time. Sure, it's exciting when I'm ahead, but I always manage to find a way to lose it all back. Lately, I can't even enjoy a decent meal without thinking about the better ways that money could have been spent. My dreams are just fantasies of hitting a big win, but I always wake up disappointed. I'm done playing these mind games with myself. I'm putting an end to this draining addiction before I lose what little self-respect I have left. No more gambling - this time, I'm stepping away for good.
Hey Pete. Reading can be a great distraction. I'd recommend "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. It might help you understand and change your patterns.
Why don't you trust atoms, Pete? Because they make up everything! 😂
But seriously, proud of you for taking this step. It takes guts.